
Let’s start off with the a little info. 

I started this blog a while back, but I kind of just let it go and never actually got around to posting anything, there were a few drafts but they never went anywhere – but they’re gone and I’m starting fresh.

I work in Social Media and just need to let everyone who reads my posts know that all opinions are my own and don’t reflect those of my employer.

My guest writers are their own selves, any of their opinions are there own, their privacy is their own, and is to be respected.

Chances are I’m not going to post the names of my of my friends, family, my boyfriend or the company that I work for – this is just to protect their privacy. If you happen to find out who I am then that’s fine, I’m not in hiding.

All photos used as featured images on my posts are the property of those who made/own them. I am in no way claiming ownership of any of the feature photos of gifs I use.

Happy reading.

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